Early Childhood Care and Development - Resource Center Yogyakarta

mengupayakan dunia anak yang ramah keberagaman


Support Our Cause

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Upcoming Events

25th October

Visiting Cape Town

Sign up to spend your day with orphaned kids. This will mean the whole world to them.

27th October


Handmade figures from African children. All funds will go into rebuilding school after the flood.

27th October

Charity Dinner

We’ve invited best chefs from Europe. All funds will go into African Children Health Care Program.


Spread the word about our program. Even a small donation will make a huge difference.

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Give Scholarships

Give the gift of knowledge and future with our scholarship packages.

You can make a difference.

Our program main focus is to provide education to every kid in South Africa.

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Artikel Terbaru

Setiap hari selalu ada hal baru di Lab School Rumah Citta dan ECCD-RC Yogya.

Di sini kami ceritakan keseruan-keseruan pengalaman belajar kami.


Anak Pelupa Tanya,             Anak saya usianya 5 tahun. Dia pelupa sekali. Pulang sekolah kalau saya tanya tadi main apa, jawabnya “lupa”. Kalau ketemu teman baru dan kenalan, saya tanya...

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Anak Keras Kepala Tanya,             Saya ibu pekerja dengan dua anak. Anak pertama saya usia 5 tahun duduk di TK kecil. Saya kadang stres menghadapi sifat keras kepalanya. Setiap hari...

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